Marius Smit

Software Engineer

Watch my elevator pitch

I am eager to take initiative and get the job done. I try to avoid procrastination as much as possible and leave enough time to ensure that my work has been done to the best of my abilities. Where my abilities lack, there I improve. When others require my guidance, I relish in the opportunity to help them. Sometimes you need to quit – most of the time I don’t like it.

I am Marius Smit. I am a Software Engineering Undergraduate.


  • C#
  • PHP
  • T-SQL
  • JAVA
  • HTML & CSS


Bachelor of Computing (Software Engineering)
Belgium Campus
2018 - 2021

High School Marais Viljoen
2015 - 2017


(Click to see code)

January 2019

Gamified Idea Competition

Created a dynamic web-application for a student doing his Masters degree in a business field. It allows users to share ideas in a chat environment. Relevant chat bubbles get marked as ideas and the participants are able to rate each other. It was developed using JavaScript and standard HTML and CSS markup for the front end, with PHP and MySQL running the back end.

December 2019

Commodity Code Puller

A C# forms application written for one of the leading manufacturing companies in the foundry industry that allows the user to enter a code and retrieve the corresponding entries from various tables in a database. It would also pull PDFs and photos from a drive connected to their internal network and space them dynamically. The project is currently undergoing bug-fixes and enhancements.

April 2020

UCLL International Project - Aquaponics

For my third year project, I was invited to work with team members from Belgium. Our task was to build an IoT system that would measure the physiochemical parameters of water and display it to the user. I led the team as Project Manager and we were able to complete the project even though COVID-19 made it a challenge.

Who is Muis?

I relish playing Action-RPG games.
I fight depression with Rom-Com Slice-Of-Life anime.
I furiously headbang to Monstercat.

More often than not, there is always something you can fix on your end.
Shut up and listen.
Make time to pet your cat.

I am not a hobbyist programmer.
I struggle to talk and code at the same time.
I avoid designing webpages as I strongly dislike it.

Made with Mobirise 4.12.4. Tweaked via VSCode.
© Copyright 2020 Marius Smit - All Rights Reserved